Thornhill Sewer Phase Two
Supplied and installed 4200 m of partially insulated twin line force sewer main including emergency by-pass port, bends, in-line gate valves & air valve chambers, 40 sanitary service connections, 30 sanitary service tie-ins, 41 trenchless crossing tie-ins, terminal clean-out chambers, pressure sustaining valve chambers, 400 mm and 500 mm CSP culverts, and emergency by-pass ports. Some drilling and blasting of trench rock was required, as well as tree and shrub removal, aggregate import and lift station site grading. Milling, overlaying and tack coating as well as permanent pavement restoration was done on affected driveways, walkways and roadways.
Work included clearing and grubbing prior to the supply and install of 842 m of 150 mm water main alongside an existing 300 mm water main. Check and gate valves were also supplied and installed.
First Call Electrical Upgrades
Excavate electrical trench and install and backfill vault and duct bank.
Supply and install 10" HDPE pipe and fittings between Ponds A & B.
UG Process & Fire Water Leak Repairs
Various underground Process/Fire water leak repairs and valve replacements. Scope included engineering for stoppage of water and mitigation plan, followed by locating, excavating, investigating and repairing/replacing leaking isolation valves and fire hydrants. Insta-valve insertion valves and single line stops were employed as needed.
Kitamaat Village Road Washout Repairs
Emergency repairs to washouts and exposed gas lines for the single access road to Kitimaat Village, including: local asphalt and bedrock removal, installation of culverts, import and export of aggregate, re-bury gas lines, cleaning ditches, shoulder repair, and rip rap and filter cloth placement.
Excavate and remove 290m of existing sidewalk materials, supply and place new sub-base and base aggregate, and install 1101m of 1.8-2.45 m wide sidewalk, including 19m concrete curb & gutter; prepare new sidewalk site and supply and install 412m of 2.45 m walkway, including 35m concrete curb & gutter and 135m vertical concrete curb, with 529m underground conduit & wiring, 23 walkway lights, 17 trees, 1 bench, 16 concrete bullnose barriers, and drainage features (culverts, storm leads catch basin, ditch inlet and manhole); landscape and hydroseed disturbed areas.
Haisla Water System Upgrade
Upgrades to municipal water system, including preparation and installation of TCB building, reservoir works & well reconditioning. Excavate and supply aggregate fill. HDPE installation, including fusing, sanitizing, flushing, testing gate valves and anchor bolts. Sanitary line installation and tie-ins. Oversee drilling & blasting, mechanical, electrical, and concrete works by sub-contractors.
Arch Culvert Installation
Supply and install 2 arch culverts into marine causeway; grade causeway, build stone steps from causeway into water.
Dunn Street Outfall and Sewer Replacement
Clearing, grubbing, and stripping; construct temporary and permanent access roads and working pad; supply and install 2 new storm manholes and 1 new storm sewer chamber with an energy dissipater; install rip-rap at new outfall location; supply and install 71m storm sewer pipe; supply and construct ~225 m3 gravel cover and reconstruct ~270 m3 slope where failure had occurred; and, supply and install 53m replacement sanitary main including bypass pumping.