Haisla Nation Housing Project
• Mobe/ de mobe
• Supervision
• Geotechnical consultant
• Stripping site .300 deep
• Excavation of all foundations
• Backfill of all foundations
• Supply of structural fill
• Slab thickenings where required
• Perforated perimeter drains
• Elevator shaft sump, Precast only (mechanical by others)
• Simplex sump, Precast only (mechanical by others)
• Sediment sump, Precast only
• Excavation and backfill of under slab storm and sanitary piping
• Supply And install 600 dia. X 37m CSP
• Supply and install Rip Rap armor fill
• Supply and install river rock channel between building and outside walkways
• Rough grading
Site preparation for a 1500-person camp, included: 26,000 m3 cut and fill; 124,000 m2 compacting and grading; 5600 m ditching, supply and place 32,500 m2 geotextile and 330 m culverts; 2 oil water separators, and storm water drainage system (590 m SDR35 pipe, 16 catch basins, and 6 manholes). Pipe and service installation work included prepare, supply, and install concrete slabs for: electrical transformers; 2 60,000 and 1 33,000 USG water tanks; 2 sea can pump houses with diesel fuel tank; potable water holding tank and pumps; fire water holding tank, pumps, and hydrants; header outlet pipe and holding tanks; and sewage lift station with pipe to discharge point. Also supplied and installed 690 m sewage, potable water, and fire water pipe, as well as 160 m gas line.
Site preparation for the anode baking furnace requiring the excavation of 43,500 m3 unsuitable material, on-site screening of 10,775 m3 aggregate, and placement and compaction of 30,400 m3 for a new building. Site drainage work included: dewatering; local supply and place of geotextile and rip rap; excavated drain and ditch; 322 m perforated HDPE pipe; 5 concrete manholes; and 17 m reinforced concrete culverts.
Sitka Lodge Site Preparation 1
Prepare sub-base and final surface for a paved curb and gutter intersection, including final landscaping. Clearing and burning 8000 m3 timber, followed by excavation and disposal of overburden off site in preparation for the construction of a 2500-person lodge-style camp.
Demolition and disposal of existing structures. Earthworks, including the removal of 12,000 m3 of unsuitable material and its replacement with 11,500 m3 of structural fill, and underground storm–sewer–water installation for new hotel. Built an MSE wire wall and landscaped the surroundings.
Sitka Lodge Site Preparation 2
Site preparation for roadways, parking lots, and drainage ponds included the clearing and stripping of organic materials and on site cut-to-fill. Earthworks included the removal of 20,000 m3 of unsuitable material and its replacement with 18,000 m3 of sub-grade structural fill in these areas. Underground utilities (force main sewer, municipal water, fire protection water) and electrical trenching for a 2500-person lodge-style camp were installed. Four lined settling ponds and associated on site and off site storm drainage were constructed. A paved municipal access road with sidewalks and curbs was completed to District of Kitimat specifications.
Northwest Regional Airport Apron
Grading and compacting the new base for a third airplane apron. This was the first external project that our GPS equipment was used on, and it greatly increased the efficiency of the fine grade work that was required for this project.
In preparation for the construction of a new feast hall and recreation centre, test holes were excavated and a roadway with water erosion control and bank armouring was constructed to the worksite. Clearing, grubbing, and burning as well as drilling, blasting, grading and bank armouring were done to level the building and parking sites. Underground sewer and water main services were run alongside the road up to the building site. Throughout the project, waste at the dumpsite and dust were managed.
Site development included the removal of overburden, site survey, screening and stockpiling aggregate, and sub-grade earthworks (including the excavation and relocation of 154,000 m3 of material and 128,000 m3 controlled density berm fill). Road, swale and trench grading. Supply and install HDPE discharge pipes, concrete manholes, metal gates and lockblock walls were supplied and installed.
Thornhill Transfer Station
Earthworks comprised the construction of drainage and access systems, including grading and compaction as well as the installation of culverts, manholes, downspouts, rain-water leads, rip rap, and ditching. Interior and exterior retaining walls, foundations and concrete floors were constructed, and structural fill, geogrid, and drain rock were supplied and placed for the transfer station and organics buildings. Scale foundations were also constructed and a change room with washroom was supplied and placed. Sanitary lines were installed, and we assisted in electrical conduit and light pole installations. 1” minus crush was supplied and installed on driving surfaces and roads, and selected areas were prepared for paving.