This project required the on site production of 40,000 m3 aggregate, disposal of ~12,000 m3 of waste rock and fill, and ~216,000 m3 of clearing and grubbing (10km access roads and landing). Horetzky Access Road works included: channel excavation, rip rap supply and place, and the installation culverts; localized road excavation, fill, grading, ditch re-establishment, and signage. Service installation along the access road included the supply and install of 11,000 m direct-bury and >700 m bedrock installation in conduit (using blasting method) of 3c 350 kcmil 25kV HVTC power cable and FO cable with 19 pull boxes. In addition to clearing and grubbing, site preparation at Horetzky Landing included site grading of 3 camp/laydown pads. Works also included pothole repairs, grading, and resurfacing in the Kemano townsite.